Mary Kelly discusses seven areas where leaders fail, and the large disconnect between the bosses’ thoughts and the employees’ perceptions of what is happening
Summary & Ideas for Action
Co-hosts Jan Rutherford and Jim Vaselopulos interview Mary Kelly, CEO at Productive Leaders. They speak with Mary about the challenges of leadership in industry, and what happens when a leader tries too hard to be liked. They also discuss how employees perceive leaders differently than leaders perceive themselves. They discuss accountability, fairness, consistency, and mentoring. They end with a discussion on motivation, happiness, and contributors to depression.
Listen in to learn more about steps leaders can take today to build trust and accountability in their organization.
[3:23] Productive leadership is hard, with competing demands from above and below. In the military, everyone wants to lead; to be productive. In many cases in business, we take the enjoyment out of being a leader. We’ve made it difficult to be a leader. If leaders make mistakes, they get fired. Some ineffective leaders put themselves first, and lack compassion.
[6:34] Simon Sinek did a video on Millennials, whose parents wanted to be liked instead of being respected. Jim says, being respected is hugely important. If you care about people, they will like and respect you. Mary says, they like you, until you make a decision that is not in their best self-interests, and then they don’t like you — but, if you made a fair decision, they will still respect you.
[8:38] For Peter Stark and Mary Kelly’s recent book, Why Leaders Fail, they studied over 100K employee surveys from over 10 years, used that data, and crafted a survey for the employee’s bosses. They received 1,000 survey responses. The responses exposed a large disconnect between the bosses’ thoughts and the employees’ perceptions of what was happening.
[9:28] The book observes seven common leadership failures: (1) lacking vision and clear goals, (2) sabotaging trust, (3) self-interest, (4) unfairness and inconsistency, (5) not understanding how to build a team, (6) wanting to be liked instead of respected, and (7) turning confidence into arrogance. This last failure stirs the most emotion.
[15:55] Hold people accountable for their actions, for what they do, as well as for what they don’t do. Encourage them to take initiative, even if it means risk. The right risks are acceptable. Make sure people are doing their job. Don’t just go to your go-to person and let others skate. Assign jobs consistent with people’s job responsibilities, and then hold them accountable.
[20:12] Jan talks about succession planning throughout the organization. People want to know what their path is, and that there is a concerted effort to develop their skills for their future aspirations. Mary sees some who come into an organization for a specific job, want to do it well, and not to be promoted. Leaders will recognize where individuals can do their best work.
[24:23] Big companies in many ways have outsourced the risk-taking to startups; and if they’re successful, then they absorb them, destroying the startup culture. Big companies just aren’t good at taking risks. Risk is the path to growth.
[26:36] Jan quotes Dan Pink and Frederick Herzberg about motivators. Mary says attracting top talent is critical for every organization. The happy medium between Herzberg and Pink is that people are individuals. Everyone needs different motivators. Most people leave jobs because of their boss or coworker. They knew what the job and salary were when they walked in the door.
[31:30] Mary believes in strength-based jobs. Don’t “work on” weaknesses. Develop existing strengths. Student report cards with five A’s, but consistent D’s in Economics, give awesome clarity. It means their strength is not in Economics, but in the A subjects. They should not try to be economists. Employees with a project that they love, and have passion for, lead themselves.
[40:16] Mary did a study on happiness vs. the need to feel valued. The age group with the highest suicide rate is people over 85, because they feel as though nobody cares, and they’re not valued. The next group is 45 to 65. They also feel they’re not valued. Being valued, needed, and feeling as though you are contributing, is the most important support we have for mental health.
How to contact Mary:
Go to for a free chapter (the Trust chapter) of the book, and a free 36-question leadership assessment to use with your team.
“We need to put some of the fun, some of the enjoyment, and some of the pride back into being a great leader.”
“Who wants an unproductive leader? If you’re an unproductive leader, you’re not a leader.”
‘’The best leaders care deeply about their people.”
“To be a great leader, you don’t have to be liked by every single person in the organization, nor should you try to be.”
“You’re applying consistent rules … Fair is not the same as being the same, and the same is not the same as being fair.”
Raised in Texas, Mary Kelly is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy and spent over 20 years on active duty in intelligence and logistics. She retired from the Navy as a commander, has a Master’s degrees in history and economics, and a PhD in economics.
With over 20 years combined experience at the Naval Academy, Hawaii Pacific University, and the Air Force Academy, she taught economics, finance, history and management. She has experience in business development, human resources, finance and organizational leadership. Mary has a track record of success as a leadership expert and executive coach.
Mary’s sister and brothers were also in the military. Mary is the author of 11 books. She was once the Chief of Police, she makes her own wine, and she’s never played a video game.
Through her work in college teaching and in the military, Mary discovered the need to make the principles of leadership and communication available to all types of businesses. Her book, Master Your World, became a bestseller and launched her career as an author and speaker.
After publishing additional books on leadership, productivity, communication, business growth, and organization, Mary desired to make leadership fun and fulfilling. Mary views conferences and events as a partnership, and she works to eliminate worry and uncertainty for her meeting professionals. Mary knows leaders today are developing talent, managing change, building teams, communicating across multiple platforms, and worried about profitability. Mary helps leaders and managers save time, reduce conflict, decrease absenteeism, resolve challenges, gain clarity, and make decisions that boost morale and productivity. “Great leadership can be learned.”
These are the books referenced during our podcast with Mary.
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Most people believe that the best way to motivate is with rewards like money—the carrot-and-stick approach. That's a mistake, says Daniel H. Pink (author of To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Motivating Others). In this provocative and persuasive new book, he asserts that the secret to high performance and satisfaction-at work, at school, and at home—is the deeply human need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, and to do better by ourselves and our world.
Drawing on four decades of scientific research on human motivation, Pink exposes the mismatch between what science knows and what business does—and how that affects every aspect of life. He examines the three elements of true motivation—autonomy, mastery, and purpose-and offers smart and surprising techniques for putting these into action in a unique book that will change how we think and transform how we live.
More info →Why Leaders Fail and the 7 Prescriptions for Success
Whether you're in your first year of management or your 20th, Why Leaders Fail is a must read for aspiring leaders who know they need to be constantly learning, improving, and developing their leadership skills.
More info →Master Your World: 10 Dog-Inspired Leadership Lessons to Improve Productivity, Profits and Communication
Master Your World is a concise, engaging book on business management, people management, and of course, a bit of dog management. Funny, serious, and thoughtful, Kelly's book can change how you interact with the people around you. The ten inspired lessons are designed to simplify the role of leading people, even during difficult times, and in any business organization.
More info →The Motivation to Work
When first published, The Motivation to Work challenged the received wisdom by showing that worker fulfillment came from achievement and growth within the job itself. In his new introduction, Herzberg examines thirty years of motivational research in job-related areas.
More info →
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