Key Takeaways
[6:40] Project RELO encourages the veterans who have already been in leadership positions to aim high when looking for work. They also work with the executives on hiring veterans established in leadership which benefits the culture and the revenue.
[7:36] Taking over Project RELO was an opportunity for Casey to operationalize the business.
[13:15] Casey enlisted because he wanted a sense of belonging and to be part of something bigger than himself. As an athlete as well he sees many parallels between the mindset qualities that benefit leaders from inspiring others in business including perseverance, tenacity and providing service to the team.
[17:50] Casey’s shares the extreme highs and lows of his injury and recovery from serving in Afghanistan. Bedridden and told by doctors to learn to live in a wheelchair, he developed a strong sense of resiliency, and to focus on what is important in the moment. Each day he pushed himself just a little bit more, and used the people who said he couldn’t walk as fuel to take his first unassisted step.
[25:54] Asking for help is a sign of power, not weakness. Project RELO is not there to give a handout, but to create a handshake and positive networking experience between the veterans and executives.
[35:43] All of the trials and tribulations had led Casey to the perfect moment – to meet his wife Sage. This is a testament to trusting the greater plan, and having faith in the process when you are working hard in the thick of a situation, whether it’s with health, business or leadership.
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Quotable Quotes
It’s all about the sense of tribe.
You can’t teach leadership in a boardroom or a classroom.
I always wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself.
What is important right now.
You can beat anything that is thrown your way.
Asking for help is a sign of power, not weakness
The greatest motivational speakers are the ones that told me I couldn’t do something.
Struggle and criticism are the prerequisites for greatness.
Casey McEuin is an unconventional leader, leadership coach, adventurer, prolific networker, keynote speaker, and the President and Executive Director of Project RELO. Like so many of our veterans, McEuin is focused on direction, mission, purpose, and making an impact in our communities, companies, and country. He currently directs his keen sense of commitment to the worthy endeavor of pinpointing the intersectionality between business talent needs and the skills, training, and rich character of our transitioning veterans.
At the age of 25, McEuin was an aspiring Olympic athlete and a fierce competitor on the Army’s Taekwondo team. Eight years later he earned the Purple Heart when he was injured in Afghanistan. Discharged from the military after his recovery, three years later, he worked to assimilate into a society that was unable to understand the full extent of what a veteran of 17 years had to offer the workforce.
Galvanized by his experiences, McEuin dedicated himself to helping veterans transition more effectively into the civilian workforce. He fulfills this mission as the Leader of Project RELO, and by setting the example for other veterans by continuing his education, and personal and professional development. Casey was honored by President Barack Obama in April of 2016 for his continued service to the veteran community.
McEuin holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in social services from Thomas A. Edison University, and a Master of Social Work with an emphasis on Military Community Organization, Policy, and Advocacy from the University of Southern California.
Project RELO
Project RELO provides immersive, visceral and highly effective leadership training to corporate executives and top talent. The training missions are conducted on American military bases where participants and transitioning veteran instructors conduct multi-day pseudo military operations.
Project RELO missions are executed over a three-day period where participants conduct real, physical convoy operations, navigating to various objectives in massive military training areas. Weapons training (real weapons / simulated rounds) and high-tech simulators provide an experiential glimpse into our military members’ backgrounds. Exploration of combat towns and mock negotiations with costumed mullahs diversifies our understanding of our veterans’ skillsets.
As the collective team navigates the various obstacles that invariably arise during any military operation, leadership, teamwork, and selflessness provide the glue that allows the collective team to meet its objectives. It is also here that participants experience the best leadership training available anywhere. For instead of a classroom or whiteboard, leadership is taught by example.
Best Leadership Training, and More
Project RELO missions provide superlative leadership training. Yet, even more importantly, participants develop a deep understanding about the character, quality, and full extent of our veterans’ skills. And with this understanding comes appreciation, and a desire to hire more of our former military members into their respective organizations.
Project RELO then continues its veteran advocacy beyond the missions by helping firms establish, or improve existing, military hiring programs.
Casey, Jim & Jan,
Again and again, you guys are creating some of the most valuable content in the world. I would not have the business I have without my childhood friend choosing the service over a job after high school. 9 years in the Army, and he opted to come home, and start something here. He passed that on to me and forever thankful and blessed I am to him, and all our service heros. Serving others is something that has been ingrained in me and I love how you guys continuously contribute to the overwhelming positivity and thankfulness I have for the opportunities that I have been able to harness. Leadership, just like peace, starts in your heart, then resonates out to your household, and then in to the community, and beyond. Understanding this is a major key to unlocking the doors of success. I would do, what I do, even if I wasn’t getting paid, because I love to see the customer happy. Being the best is an outlier that comes with dedication to the service we provide. Raising three sons, like many of your guests, this and the content here insures that our future leaders get the best inspiration possible. I have decided to open a new account to give back a percentage of my income to the active and former military heros in my area. The beauty of that is I get to decide where that gift will go to help the most. God bless you. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. I truly believe we wouldn’t be here without your hard work and service in teaching Leadership qualities. I am forever thankful.
-Paul Jansma
Thank you Paul! Keep up the good works!