Susan Goldin-Meadow, a professor at the University of Chicago and author of “Thinking with Your Hands: The Surprising Science Behind How Gestures Shape Our Thoughts,” has studied gestures’ role in communication for 47 years. She points out how gestures are vital for conveying information and understanding. Susan discusses how leaders can use gestures to gauge…
TLP375: Strategies to Counter Negativity with Catherine Sanderson
Catherine Sanderson discusses her book, “The Positive Shift.” The conversation spans diverse topics such as raising rescue puppies, hotel maids’ mindset impacting well-being, the placebo effect’s role in healing and leadership, and mindset’s influence on workplace effectiveness. Strategies to counter negativity, balance work culture, and encourage open communication are explored. Catherine emphasizes the value of…
TLP273: Overcoming Fatal Human Flaws
In Provoke: How Leaders Shape the Future by Overcoming Fatal Human Flaws, renowned strategy consultant and best-selling author Geoff Tuff explains how people tend to act tentatively in the face of uncertainty, and shares the tools we need to do things differently. Key Takeaways [3:50] Geoff loves being in ironic situations and exploring the concept…
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